It can be pretty hot work applying a Torch On Flat Roof two-ply or SBS(Sequenced Butadiene Styrene) as it is officially known, but that is what Dale Enterprise Group, Roofing Company in Calgary NW does every day for their customers.
The process involves unrolling a role of SBS along the roof and heating it with a torch before it meets the surface of the roof. The process of heating the SBS material softens the rubber compounds sufficiently to enable the material to adhere to the roof and also to a previously applied strip as the picture shows. You can imagine how hot it must be on a black roof, on a sunny warm day with a blow torch running near you. However this is by far the best way to apply a roof of this type and ensure that there are no leaks. Dale Enterprise Group specializes in this type of roof application for new roofs, replacement of existing flat roofs and of course repair of flat roofs as well as other types of roofs. For your flat roof needs why not give them a call, the phone number is at the top of this page.
What is two-ply SBS(Sequenced Butadiene Styrene)
SBS is made from a polyester or fiberglass and covered from a rubberized modified asphalt. The rubber serves a number of purposes. It provides both strength and flexibility which helps to withstand all kinds of weather conditions for many years. Maintaining structural integrity which it also does ensures that it will remain water proof and flexible. The rubber is heated when SBS is being applied which causes it to adhere to both the roof as well as an applied roll next to it. As it is being applied, technicians will overlap the with a previously applied strip to ensure a solid seal against water penetration, insects and dirt.
SBS can also provide a small R value in terms of insulation, as well as using it for flashing on vertical surfaces next to the roof. Application is similar in that it is Torch-on. In all cases whether it is being applied as a flat roof covering or a flashing covering, it is important that a well trained technician makes the installation. Torch-on or SBS materials have been design to be thicker due to the hot flame approach of application. Still in the hands of an inexperienced technician, mistakes can be made leaving your roof more vulnerable to the whims of weather. When you are looking for a flat roofing company in Calgary NW, one of the questions to prospective venders you are dealing with should always be about the level of experience they have with the application of this product. You will want one of the experts to complete this work and not some novice technician.
Dale Enterprises Group have made themselves the experts in the application of SBS to flat roofs and they stand behind their work as shown by their Better Business Bureau ratings. They specialize in this type of flat roof application and provide excellent quality work with a full complete warranty. For more details about the product and their services, give them a call today.
How to Select a Flat Roofing Company in Calgary NW
We wrote an earlier post about the kinds of questions and details that a customer should consider when they are looking to hire a flat roofing company. Check this list out and add to the list a question about the level of expertise they have with the application of SBS. Even ask for references as well of other customers to help you decide on which roofing company to hire.
Water Run Off From a Flat Roof
You want your roof to last for many years and the decision you make about the type of roof and the contractor you use is potentially going to make a huge difference to your business for many years. No one wants a leaky roof and they certainly do not want their products damaged or worse to shut down the building until the roof is repaired. Feel free to call the Dale Enterprises Group and request a quote from them. Take the time to examine their credentials, the planned products they will use and even talk to other customers to put your mind at ease in terms of selecting them. They are confident about their workmanship, the products they use and the service that they provide. They back up their work and provide a complete warranty covering the materials and the labor. Call them for specific details about their warranty and other questions you may have.
Your roof whether it is a flat roof or a more traditional sloped roof is critical to the well being of your building and there fore your business. One thing many business people forget to consider is that you also must plan for the water runoff. In fact a flat roof should have a slightly sloped roof so that the water will run to one place, usually a gutter or down spout. The water can be easily carried off the roof down the down spout into the drainage system or at least away from the foundation to prevent leaks around the foundation and also any damage to the foundation. Always check your gutter and down spout at least twice a year to remove any debris that could block the gutter and prevent water from being removed from the roof.