Roof Leak Repair in Calgary Area – Alberta

It is extremely important to tackle roof leak repairs in  the Calgary Area of Alberta or anywhere else in the country.  There are literally thousands of dollars in damages every year due to leaking roofs. It only gets worse if you do not deal with these damages right away, because water will continue to leak into your building through the leaky spot and cause damage to your roof support structure, to the insulation and perhaps even to any products and goods you have stored below. Don’t wait, get your roof checked today and repaired immediately before more rain and water leaks into your building.

Bad Roof Leak Repairs

The picture above shows a particularly bad leak. Flat roofs are usually installed using rolls of material which are either heated or glued together at joints to form a tight seal. Sometimes these joints are not sealed properly or sometimes the material just separates to heat from the sun, ultraviolet rays and age. Either way this particular building owner has a particularly bad leak and every time it rains, water is going to literally pour into his roof structure, run along rafters and joists, soak insulation and drywall and perhaps even run down to the floor were it will spread out along the floor. Anything in the way is going to get wet!

This particular roof may only need the seam resealed and the roof will be as good as new if it was caught early. However if this seal has been leaking for some time, the customer may need to investigate underlying structures including insulation to determine the extent of the damage and then make a decision regarding how far they need to go to complete repairs. A simple fix to a seam is inexpensive, however damages to roof structures and insulation etc can run into thousands of dollars. That is why leaks should be dealt with immediately!

Annual Inspections Can Avoid Major Roof leak Repairs

Annual inspections at the very least by the owner to assess the roof integrity should be carried out. Arranging for an inspection by a qualified flat roof inspector will help to ensure that leaks are caught early and potential trouble spots can be identified early and repairs made before they become significant problems.

Debris building up on a roof will cause water to be left standing on the roof. Downspouts and water runoff could be impeded, which is an area for future problems. Damage from flying debris in strong wind storms can also weaken or even punch a hole in the roof. If you feel that there could be roof damage after a particularly strong storm, have your roof checked immediately even if you do it yourself to ensure that there are no spots were the roof membrane has been penetrated. Be sure to employ proper safety procedures and use the proper safety gear if you are going onto the roof yourself. If in doubt about safety issues or about the condition of the roof, arrange for a qualified roof inspector to come and check your roof.

Repairing Leaky Roofs

Leaks caught early can usually be easily repaired and the damage kept to a minimum. A seam may need to be resealed. A patch might be applied to an area that has been punctured or aged prematurely. Debris is cleared away and downpipes tested for water flow etc can be completed. These are relatively easy and inexpensive repairs if caught early.

More serious leaks that have been leaking water through the roof membrane for some time may require more extensive repairs. The membrane might need to be removed in the area of the leak, the roofs supporting structure removed to expose wet insulation. All wet insulation would need to be replaced, rafters or joists examined and strengthened if needed and then the roof supporting structure replaced before reapplying the roof membrane. In some cases a new membrane will need to be applied to reseal that portion of the roof that is being repaired. There may even be mold that has started and will need to be dealt with. All of this can be quite expensive to the owner if there is no insurance coverage.

Roof Insurance Damage Claims

If your roof has been damaged in some way that is eligible for insurance claims, you will need an estimate of the repairs required before you can begin. An insurance adjuster will need to visit and approve of the repairs before the actual work can get started if you are going to file a claim. As contractors we are familiar with this process and can provide all of the necessary estimates that are required for the roof repairs.

You may also be eligible for insurance coverage if the materials inside your building are damaged. Again the insurance adjuster will be able to provide you with information on what is covered and what is not covered based on the  insurance plan that you have. If you do not have insurance, then you are on your own to pay for all of the repairs. Don’t forget that damages can be limited if you make the repairs quickly before more water makes it’s way into the building.

It is certainly troublesome to have to deal with a leaky roof, however if you have a leaky roof or suspect a roof is leaking, call the number at the top of the page. They will arrange to have an inspection made and repairs completed as quickly as possible depending on the situation and the extent of the repairs needed.

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