Residential Shingle Roofers in Calgary Area

The weather in Alberta can be very tough on a roof whether it is a flat roof or a traditional shingle roof that you find on most homes in Calgary. In the summer time there is the hot dry sun, while in the winter there are freezing temperatures one week and the next you have warm Chinooks that will blow down from the mountains melting everything in sight, only to be freezing cold a few hours later. If your shingle roof is not up to standard, has been damaged by high winds or hail, this kind of weather can hasten the deterioration and cause water leaks into your home.

Many homeowners will wait until they have a leak into their homes attic, before they call in a panic looking for residential shingle roofers in the Calgary area. They have water leaking into the attic, perhaps into their living area and they need repairs completed immediately before more damage is done. At this point, although repairs should be done immediately, they really need to have their shingle roof replaced and any damaged plywood under the shingles also replaced. Temporary repairs can stop the water leaks until materials can be ordered and the job scheduled in the spring when it finally warms up. Water leaks in the winter time during a winter thaw are the most difficult to deal with because of the ice and snow on the roof and the danger of being on a slippery roof while trying to make repairs.

Schedule Shingle Roof Replacement Before a Leak Occurs

If your roof’s shingles are beginning to curl, break off or turn up you can be sure that it is getting pretty close to the time when they need to be replaced. Curling shingle corners indicate that the shingles are older and that the sun has baked them and you may not have sufficient air circulation in the attic. When they curl they leave space for snow and ice to form which will eventually break them off. If you have curling shingles, avoid walking on the roof. At the minimum, you will crack the shingle while many could just break and separate leaving your attic exposed to future leaks when it rains.

Consumers can call for an estimate using the phone number at the top of the screen. We can send one of our experienced estimators over to your home to provide a quote for the removal of the existing shingles, repair of the sheathing underneath, placement of ice barriers and installation of the new shingle roof. Everything will be cleaned up and all of the old material will be removed before we leave.

The estimator can also provide an opinion on the state of your roof and whether they feel that the roof will last another year or not. Consumers should remember that this is not a guarantee, since without actually removing the shingles they cannot confirm the condition of the roof and whether there are already leaks into your attic.

Install High Capacity Air Vents

One of the reasons shingles will curl and also ice dams may occur is when the attic is too warm in the summer and winter. When the heat builds up inside the attic during the summer, the shingles are being baked from underneath as well as from the sun. In the winter time if there is a lot of heat escaping from your home through the ceiling a warm roof can cause the snow to melt. The water runs down the roof to a cooler area and then freezes causing an ice dam were water can build up and back up under the shingles into your attic.

Aside from the fact that you may want to consider more insulation in your attic to make your home more energy efficient, consumers should also upgrade their homes with higher capacity air vents to ensure that there is lots of air circulation in the attic which in turn reduces the temperature inside the attic. This will keep it cooler for the shingles and prolong their life in the summer time. Also in the winter, the roof will remain cooler preventing the snow from melting and avoiding ice dams forming as previously discussed.

When you have are looking for a residential shingle roofer in the Calgary area, always have them include on the estimate larger air vents since many older homes will have small vents installed by the builder.

Ice Barrier Installation

Since Alberta does have many thawing and freezing cycles throughout the winter, many roofers will recommend ice barriers be installed within four to six feet of the bottom of your roof and around skylights. This is a rubber membrane that prevents any water that does get through the shingles due to an ice dam forming on the roof from getting into your attic. Your original builder may or may have not installed this membrane, when the home was initially constructed.

Replacing a shingle roof is a large expense for many homeowners and one that they want to put off as long as possible. However a leak into your home through a deteriorated roof is a far larger expense and one that may or may not be covered by your insurance. Why take the risk, give us a call today to at least have an estimate prepared and an assessment of your roofs condition?

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