We Do Shingle Roofing as Well As Flat Roofing

We have discussed many issues associated with flat roofing on this web site. At Flat Roofing Calgary we also want consumers to know that we also provide the same great service for all kinds of shingle roofing as well. We want you to know that we do shingle roofing as well as flat roofing because many of our residential customers will have the traditional peaked shingle roof with asphalt shingles, cedar shingles and even slate shingles. We can handle whatever type of shingles that you may have on your home or business.

The construction of a shingle roof is much different than a flat roof. Our team of experts for shingle roofing is skilled in this kind of construction, including soffits, fascia, eaves trough, skylights, roof repair and roof replacement. If you have a leak in your roof somewhere that is allowing water to seep into the attic, you want it repaired immediately. We can do that and then we can provide you with a competitive quotation to have your roof replaced with all necessary repairs made to the sheeting underneath, soffits, fascia and eaves trough.

Why Would Sheeting Need to Be Replaced

Sometimes on older roofs, water will have seeped under the shingles for quite some time. It might not be enough to be noticed if you were to look in the attic and you might not have water finding its way into the living space of your home. It might have soaked the plywood sheeting under the shingles and over time this wood has expanded as the water soaked into it and begun to rot. This spot will be soft and if you were to step on it, a person might even fall through if the strength of the wood was sufficiently compromised.

Whenever you take off the old shingles, spots like these are very evident and it is obvious that this area needs to be replaced. Roofing experts can easily identify these spots and before any new shingles are laid, they will replace the four by eight sheet of plywood so that you have a solid secure layer to nail the shingles into. This is very important for a number of reasons:

  • Shingles will be securely held to the roof by nailing into solid wood
  • Sheeting will be able to bear the weight of anyone walking on the roof for whatever reason
  • Snow load strength will be higher as well
  • Rotten sheeting may allow the shingles to become loose allowing more water to seep into the roof
  • Your shingle roof will last many more years as well and not need premature repairs.

Shingle Roof Insurance Claims

In addition to repairing older roofs and installing new shingles to replace a roof that has reached its estimated life span, we also work with insurance companies to process insurance claims. Whether your roof was hit by hail or there is significant wind damage, we can prepare estimates and quotations in the proper format that will meet all of your insurance companies needs. We can also make immediate repairs to limit the amount of potential damage that may be caused by further wind or rain.

It is extremely important to move quickly on an insurance claim and limit the amount of damage. As soon as your roof is exposed due high winds tearing shingles away, your home can be severely damaged inside due to further water damage. Call your insurance company and then call us to make those urgent repairs. Once the temporary repairs are completed then we can discuss permanent solutions for the damage and work with your insurance company to arrange for a new roof if required or make more extensive repairs that are permanent.

If there is damage to your roof from a hail storm, while you may not have any immediate leaks or penetrations through the roof, the life of your asphalt or wood shingles may be severely shortened. We can review this damage and prepare an estimate of the damage, the impact it will have on how long your shingles will last and answer any detailed technical questions that your insurance company or yourself may have.

Customers sometimes do not carry adequate insurance to cover damage from hail stones or wind damage. In cases like these we can work with the customer to come up with the least cost solution that balances between long term damages and your budget. Permanent repairs can be completed which will limit the cost, provide you with solid sealed roof and provide you with peace of mind with regards to structural integrity and water damage.

Call Us if You Need Shingle Roof Repairs, Replacement or Insurance Claims

Our company can provide competitive quotes for all kinds of situations involving shingle roofs that meet your requirements and your insurance company’s requirements. Call today if you need a quote or just would like to discuss your options regarding a full roof replacement vs. temporary repairs or permanent repairs to damaged or deteriorated shingle roofs. We are just a phone call away and provide superior service to consumers needing shingle roofing services in the Calgary area.

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